Teach Yourself Visually Knitting

(Michael S) #1

There are many different ways to shape armholes
and sleeve caps. The type of armhole shaping always
determines the sleeve cap shaping. After blocking
all pieces, working the edging on the neck, and
joining and pressing shoulder seams, you can attach
the sleeves. You need to find the center of the sleeve
cap by folding the sleeve in half lengthwise, and then
you mark the center with a pin. After pinning the
center of the sleeve cap to the shoulder seam, with
the right sides facing each other, you can pin the rest
of the sleeve cap to the armhole, lining up the sleeve
cap shaping with the corresponding armhole shaping.
Then you can sew the sleeve in place by using a
backstitch seam.

Finishing Techniques chapter 11

Straight armhole with
straight sleeve cap

Shaped armhole with
rounded set-in sleeve

Angular armhole shaping
with angular sleeve cap

Raglan armhole with
raglan sleeve

Shaped armhole with
set-in saddle-shoulder

Right-angle armhole
with set-in sleeve
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