Pompoms add a nice touch to hats,
scarves, and other projects. They are easy
to make, and you can make them using
one color or many.
To make pompoms, you can use a
commercial pompom maker or materials
you have in your home. In addition
to yarn, you need flexible cardboard
(shirt cardboard works well) and a
pair of scissors.
The first method shown here creates a
loose pompom, and the second method
results in a firmer, rounder pompom.
This method creates a loose pompom that can be left with loopy ends.
1 Cut a piece of cardboard into a rectangle whose width is the size you want
your pompom to be. (So, for a 3-inchpompom, cut a piece of cardboard
that’s 3 inches wide.)
2 Wrap the yarn around the cardboard about 50 times.
How to Make a Loose Pompom
Make Pompoms.
3 Carefully remove the cardboard from the wrapped yarn.