4 Wrap a 12-inchstrand of yarn tightly around the center of the yarn loops
twice, and then tie it in a firm knot.
Decorative Details
chapter 13
5 Cut the loops and fluff up the pompom to even it out.
Note:You can leave the ends uncut for a loopy pompom.
6 Use the tie ends to sew the pompom to your knitting.
I came across some patterns that use a
technique called felting. What is felting,
and is it difficult to do?
Felting is what can happen when you expose
wool knits to moisture and heat. The knitting
shrinks and becomes matted, looking like
boiled wool slippers. Felting garments is tricky,
as you need to knit your item large enough
to allow for shrinkage. As a beginner, you
can experiment with felting by using simple
swatches. Put a wool swatch into the washing
machine with a pair of canvas sneakers or
denim pants and wash in hot water with a little
bit of detergent. Wash for about five minutes,
and then check to see if your swatch has felted.
It will shrink quickly, so don’t leave it in for
the whole cycle. When the swatch has felted,
remove it from the wash, rinse in cool water,
and lay it flat to dry.