5 Insert scissors between the wrapped strands and the cardboard at the
opposite end from the tied end and cut the tassel free along the bottom
edge of the cardboard.
Decorative Details
chapter 13
6 Wrap a 10-inchstrand of yarn around the tassel a few times, about^1 ⁄ 2 inch
down from the tied end; then tie the ends tightly in a knot.
Note:You can use the same color yarn or an accent color for step 6.
7 Conceal the yarn ends from step 6 by
threading them through a tapestry needle
and inserting the needle back into the
tassel near the top. Pull the tapestry
needle out at the tassel end.
8 Trim the tassel ends to neaten them.
9 Use the tail coming out of the top of the
tassel to sew it onto your knitting project.