Teach Yourself Visually Knitting

(Michael S) #1

Sometimes a plain sweater needs to
be dressed up a little. You can work
a fancy ruffle or border at the edge
to add that accent to your knitting.
The following ruffles, borders, and
edgings are all easy to create. You can
work them in the same color as your
knitting or in an accent color.


For this ruffle, you need to start with twice the number of stitches as there are in the
main part of your knitting. For example, if you are knitting a sweater back over 60
stitches, you cast on 120 for this ruffle. You work this basic ruffle over an even num-
ber of stitches.

1 Cast on twice the number of sts that you want to end up with.

2 Work in St st to the desired length of the ruffle, ending with a purl row.

3 K2tog across the entire row. You end up with half the number of sts you cast on.

Note:You can work 3 rows of garter stitch to reinforce the decrease row.

How to Make Ruffles

Knit Fancy Borders and Edgings.


This is a fun ruffle that looks great on baby blankets and little girls’ sweaters. You
need to cast on four times the number of stitches you want to end up with, minus 3.
For example, if you want to end up with 60 stitches, you cast on 237 stitches to
create a curly ruffle. You work this border on a multiple of 2 stitches plus 1.

1 Row 1 (RS): K1, k2, pass the first of these 2 sts over the second and off the
needle; rep from
to end of row.

2 Row 2 (WS): P1, p2tog; rep from to end of row.

Note:You can work the ruffle on smaller needles if you want it to be tighter.
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