Teach Yourself Visually Knitting

(Michael S) #1
Decorative Details
chapter 13

How to Make Borders


You work this border, which creates a nice three-dimensional edge, on a multiple of
6 stitches plus 5.

To make bobble (mb): Work to the point where you want the bobble. Knit into the
front, back, front, back, and front (that’s five times) of the next stitch. Without turning
the work, use the left needle to pick up the fourth stitch and pass it over the fifth and
off the needle; pass the third over the fifth and off; pass the second over the fifth
and off; and finally, pass the first over the fifth stitch and off.

1 Row 1 (WS): Knit.

2 Row 2 (RS—bobble row): K2, mb, k5; rep from to last 3 sts, mb, k2.

3 Rows 3–5: Knit.


This is a pretty little edging that is easy to do. It adds a delicate touch to feminine
sweaters or baby blankets. You work this border on a multiple of 5 stitches plus 2.

1 Row 1 (RS): K1, yo, k5, [pass the second, third, fourth, and fifth sts over the first
st and off], yo; rep from
to last st, k1.
You now have a multiple of 2 sts plus 3 on your needle.

2 Row 2 (WS): P1, [p1, yo, k1 tbl] all in next st, p1; rep from to end of row.

You now have a multiple of 4 sts plus 1 on your needle.

3 Row 3: K2, k1 tbl, k3, k1 tbl; rep from to last 2 sts, k2.

4 Rows 4–6: Knit.


This border creates a series of diagonally biased points. You make the border as long
as the edge you need to attach it to and sew it on later. To create this border, cast on
6 stitches.

1 Row 1 (RS): K3, yo, k3—7 sts.

2 Rows 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 (WS): Knit.

3 Row 3: K3, yo, k4—8 sts.

4 Row 5: K3, yo, k5—9 sts.

5 Row 7: K3, yo, k6—10 sts.

6 Row 9: K3, yo, k7—11 sts.

7 Row 11: K3, yo, k8—12 sts.

8 Row 12: Bind off 6 sts, k5—6 sts.

9 Repeat rows 1–12 until the edging is the desired length. Bind off all stitches.

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