Teach Yourself Visually Knitting

(Michael S) #1

Easy Knitting Projects chapter 14

Work stripe patt in St st (knit on RS, purl on WS) as follows:

4 rows in green
4 rows in yellow

Note:If you want to avoid having to weave in so many ends, you can carry the colors alternately up the side as you go (see page 118).

Pattern Stitch

1 CO 99 sts in A.
2 Beg with a knit row, work in stripe pattern until you have worked 33 stripes
total (17 green stripes and 16 yellow stripes).
3 BO sts. Cut yarn and pull tail through last st to secure.

1 Weave in ends.
2 Lightly steam on WS to block and reduce curling.
3 Single crochet (see page 194) in C around perimeter of blanket. Weave in
these ends and lightly steam edges again.

How to Make the Striped Baby Blanket
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