Teach Yourself Visually Knitting

(Michael S) #1

1 Holding the needle with the stitches on it in your right hand, wind the
working yarn around the back of your hand, under your pinky and two
middle fingers, and over the forefinger of your left hand.

Basic Techniques
chapter 2

2 Take the needle with the stitches on it back into your left hand, keeping
the working yarn wound through your fingers to maintain even tension,
and hold the working (empty) needle in your right hand.

Holding Needles and Yarn for the Continental Method

When I wind the yarn around my fingers as
described, it feels loose and awkward. Is there
another way to hold the yarn?
Yes, there are infinite ways. If it feels too loose, or
if wrapping the yarn around your pinky is awkward,
try wrapping the yarn over your palm instead. The
important thing is to be comfortable and to have the
yarn flow easily through your fingers. Many knitters
make up their own way of holding the yarn.
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