Teach Yourself Visually Knitting

(Michael S) #1

Short-rowingis a shaping technique that involves working a series of partial rows—instead of
decreasing or increasing stitches—to create curved or slanted edges. Short-rowing eliminates the
jagged stair steps that occur when binding off a series of stitches over a few rows, so it’s an excellent
choice for shaped shoulders and necklines. Short-rowing is also commonly used to shape baby
booties, sock heels, and bonnets.

1 Work across the row to the point where the work should be turned. Keeping
the working yarn at the back of the work, slip the next stitch from the left
needle—as you would to purl—to the right needle.

How to Shape with Short-Rowing: Knit Side

Shape with Short-Rowing.

2 Bring the working yarn between the needles to the front of the work.

3 Slip the same stitch you slipped in step 1 back to the left needle.

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