Teach Yourself Visually Knitting

(Michael S) #1

Before starting a project, you should
always make a gauge swatch to ensure
that you are knitting to the gauge
the pattern calls for. A gauge swatchis
a small square of knitting used to
measure how many stitches and rows
per inch you are getting with a partic-
ular yarn on a certain size needle. It
takes only a few minutes to make one,
and you will definitely not regret it.
Many new knitters skip this step and
spend hours on a sweater that ends up
too big or too small.

To make a gauge swatch, you need to use the yarn and needle size that the pat-
tern calls for. It’s not a bad idea to have handy three pairs of needles: the size
called for, the next size smaller, and the next size larger. (If you don’t use them
for this project, you will need them someday for another project.)

1 Cast on the same number of stitches that the pattern says is equal to 4.

2 Work in stockinette stitch (knit on the right side and purl on the wrong side)
until the swatch is 4 inches long (measuring from the cast-on edge to the

How to Make a Gauge Swatch

Make and Measure a Gauge Swatch.

3 Bind off your stitches somewhat loosely, cut the working yarn (leaving about
a 6-inchtail), and pull the tail through the last stitch.

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