Scientific American - USA (2012-12)

(Antfer) #1
December 2021, 25


Tiger Fashionistas

A subpopulation of big cats with rare coloring
shows evolution in action

Tigers can indeed change their stripes—and in the Similipal Tiger
Reserve in India, many have done just that. So-called black tigers,
genetic mutants that sport unusually wide and merged stripes,
were extremely rare even when tigers were plentiful centuries
ago. But in Similipal today, one in three are black. A new study in
the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA pinpoints
the peculiar pattern’s genetic cause and reveals evolution at work
among these endangered cats.
After sequencing the genomes of three zoo-born black tigers
and their typical-coated parents, researchers at India’s National
Center for Biological Sciences and their colleagues tracked the
pattern to a tiny change in
a gene called taqpep. They
then spent months hiking
about 1,500 kilometers of jun-
gles across India, collecting
tiger droppings, fur, blood
and drool. Analyzing these
samples helped them deter-
mine the prevalence of this
genetic change—and its
virtual absence in tigers out-
side Similipal.

Altered taqpep genes were already known to cause blotched tab-
by patterns in cats, as well as king cheetahs’ unusually large spots and
stripes. But such patterns are so rare because they occur only when
genes from both parents have matching mutations. The new study
found that 10 out of the 12 Similipal tigers sampled had at least one
copy of this particular taqpep change—and four were black tigers,
with two copies each. But remarkably, not one of the 395 tigers sur-
veyed outside the reserve had even one copy of the mutation. This
suggests that the Similipal tigers are so isolated that they never
breed with tigers outside that range and that the group has begun
to maintain genetic changes over generations. “It was an astonishing
finding,” remarks molecular ecologist and lead author Vinay Sagar.
For senior author Uma Ramakrishnan, a molecular ecologist who
has studied Indian tigers’ diminishing genetic diversity for more than
a decade, this finding is “the most exciting discovery” of her career—
stark observable evidence of tigers’ fragmentation across the region.
The extensive data collected for this research “provide the much
needed baseline for further studies on the genetics of endangered
tigers,” says University of
Rochester evolutionary biol-
ogist Nancy Chen, who was
not involved in the study. Al-
though it is unknown if the
unusual stripes help or harm
the Similipal tigers, the mark-
ings underscore the fact that
these animals are breeding
exclusively among them-
selves—perhaps to their
own peril. — Spoorthy Raman

While monitoring vampire
bats in Panama, researchers
discovered that the blood­
thirsty fliers help one another
find food by screeching after
locating a juicy meal, despite
departing their roosts alone.

Scientists reconstructed historic Polynesian
settlement routes by tracking rare gene variants
in DNA from hundreds of islanders. Findings suggest
that the shared tradition of carving massive statues,
such as the Moai at Rapa Nui (Easter Island), may have
originated at the Tuamotu Islands in French Polynesia.
For more details, visit

A massive collection of gnawed human and animal
bones found in the Umm Jirsan lava tube was
mostly left there by striped hyenas, researchers
report. Fossilized feces and other markers suggest
the site served as an underground den for the
animals from around 4,500 to 150 years ago.

Three decades of Amazon satellite data reveal that illegal mining incursions
have quintupled on Indigenous lands in the past 10 years. These operations
contribute to the Amazon’s deforestation, which causes 8 percent of global
carbon emissions.

Smoke from Australia’s 2019–
2020 bushfire season littered
the Southern Ocean with iron,
nourishing an unprecedented
algal bloom more expansive
than Australia itself. Al ­
though blooms consume
carbon dioxide from the air,
they can also suffocate or
poison marine life.



By Nikk Ogasa

Paleontologists unearthed a 90­million­year­old dinosaur jaw­
bone belonging to new species called Ulugh beg saurus uzbek i­
stan ens is. The 1,000­kilogram dinosaur had serrated teeth and
was likely an apex predator, and its existence may have delayed
the rise of large tyrannosaurs.

Rajesh Kumar

Mohapatra Nandankanan Biological Park

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