Scientific American - USA (2012-12)

(Antfer) #1

“Lifetime Mobility of an Arctic Woolly Mammoth,” by Matthew J. Wooller et al.,

in^ Science,

Vol. 373; August 2021 (

map reference


Text by Tess Joosse | Illustration by Beth Zaiken, Maps by Jen Christiansen

Pulp cavity

Newer tusk

Older tusk



Chemical layers in a tusk reveal
an epic journey across Alaska

Mammoths are among the best-known inhabitants of the
last ice age. Fossils usually offer a static snapshot of an ani-
mal’s life, but researchers recently used one to track every
place a male mammoth traveled from birth to death. By
analyzing the chemicals in a 17,100-year-old tusk, scientists
found the mammoth walked far enough to loop around the
world twice—likely in search of food and a mate.
“Tusks are like time lines,” adding layers each year
that contain chemicals from the environment, says
Matthew  J. Wooller, a paleoecologist at the Universi-
ty of Alaska Fairbanks. He and his colleagues sliced
a five-and-a-half-foot-long tusk in half, then mea-
sured chemical ratios in each layer to re-create the
mammoth’s itinerary. Over 28 years the animal
walked nearly 80,000 kilometers across what is now
Alaska. The team plans to apply the same technique
to more tusk fossils in the future. “We have hundreds,”
Wooller says.

Tusks Grow
After growing and losing a first
set of “milk tusks” between six
months and a year old, mammoths
develop a permanent pair. Adult tusks grow
outward by adding cones of bone to
a hollow center extending from the
mammoth’s gums, continuing
throughout the animal’s life.
The resulting tusk’s tip is from
the animal’s younger years, and
its inner layers are from
its later years.

One Mammoth’s Journey
The alkaline earth metal strontium comes in different versions called isotopes, each with a unique atomic mass.
Proportions of these isotopes vary in soils around the world, and small amounts of strontium become part
of a mammoth’s bones, teeth and tusks when it eats plants. By analyzing each tusk layer’s strontium isotopes,
researchers traced where the mammoth roamed during each stage of its life.

0 500 kilometers

Ice (during
the Last Glacial
Maximum) Gulf of Alaska

Today’s Alaskan
Arctic C

Frequently Visited Regions during Youth Frequently Visited Regions during Adulthood Frequently Visited Regions during Final Two Years
of death

76 Scientific American, December 2021

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