Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1
The death of Christ. (44–49)
The burial of Christ. (50–56)

Verses 1–5

Pilate well understood the difference between armed forces and our Lord's followers. But instead
of being softened by Pilate's declaration of his innocence, and considering whether they were not
bringing the guilt of innocent blood upon themselves, the Jews were the more angry. The Lord
brings his designs to a glorious end, even by means of those who follow the devices of their own
hearts. Thus all parties joined, so as to prove the innocence of Jesus, who was the atoning sacrifice
for our sins.

Verses 6–12

Herod had heard many things of Jesus in Galilee, and out of curiosity longed to see him. The
poorest beggar that asked a miracle for the relief of his necessity, was never denied; but this proud
prince, who asked for a miracle only to gratify his curiosity, is refused. He might have seen Christ
and his wondrous works in Galilee, and would not, therefore it is justly said, Now he would see
them, and shall not. Herod sent Christ again to Pilate: the friendships of wicked men are often
formed by union in wickedness. They agree in little, except in enmity to God, and contempt of

Verses 13–25

The fear of man brings many into this snare, that they will do an unjust thing, against their
consciences, rather than get into trouble. Pilate declares Jesus innocent, and has a mind to release
him; yet, to please the people, he would punish him as an evil-doer. If no fault be found in him,
why chastise him? Pilate yielded at length; he had not courage to go against so strong a stream. He
delivered Jesus to their will, to be crucified.

Verses 26–31

We have here the blessed Jesus, the Lamb of God, led as a lamb to the slaughter, to the sacrifice.
Though many reproached and reviled him, yet some pitied him. But the death of Christ was his
victory and triumph over his enemies: it was our deliverance, the purchase of eternal life for us.
Therefore weep not for him, but let us weep for our own sins, and the sins of our children, which
caused his death; and weep for fear of the miseries we shall bring upon ourselves, if we slight his
love, and reject his grace. If God delivered him up to such sufferings as these, because he was made
a sacrifice for sin, what will he do with sinners themselves, who make themselves a dry tree, a
corrupt and wicked generation, and good for nothing! The bitter sufferings of our Lord Jesus should
make us stand in awe of the justice of God. The best saints, compared with Christ, are dry trees; if
he suffer, why may not they expect to suffer? And what then shall the damnation of sinners be!
Even the sufferings of Christ preach terror to obstinate transgressors.

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