Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

it. Christ's love to us should direct us to love each other. He speaks as about to give many things
in charge, yet names this only; it includes many duties.

Verses 18–25

How little do many persons think, that in opposing the doctrine of Christ as our Prophet, Priest,
and King, they prove themselves ignorant of the one living and true God, whom they profess to
worship! The name into which Christ's disciples were baptized, is that which they will live and die
by. It is a comfort to the greatest sufferers, if they suffer for Christ's name's sake. The world's
ignorance is the true cause of its hatred to the disciples of Jesus. The clearer and fuller the discoveries
of the grace and truth of Christ, the greater is our sin if we do not love him and believe in him.

Verses 26 , 27

The blessed Spirit will maintain the cause of Christ in the world, notwithstanding the opposition
it meets with. Believers taught and encouraged by his influences, would bear testimony to Christ
and his salvation.

Chapter 16

Chapter Outline
Persecution foretold. (1–6)
The promise of the Holy Spirit, and his (7–15)
Christ's departure and return. (16–22)
Encouragement to prayer. (23–27)
Christ's discoveries of himself. (28–33)

Verses 1–6

Our Lord Jesus, by giving his disciples notice of trouble, designed that the terror might not be
a surprise to them. It is possible for those who are real enemies to God's service, to pretend zeal
for it. This does not lessen the sin of the persecutors; villanies will never be changed by putting the
name of God to them. As Jesus in his sufferings, so his followers in theirs, should look to the
fulfilling of Scripture. He did not tell them sooner, because he was with them to teach, guide, and
comfort them; they needed not then this promise of the Holy Spirit's presence. It will silence us to
ask, Whence troubles come? It will satisfy us to ask, Whither go they? for we know they work for
good. It is the common fault and folly of melancholy Christians to look only on the dark side of
the cloud, and to turn a deaf ear to the voice of joy and gladness. That which filled the disciples'

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