Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Christians is the fruit of Christ's death, by which the gift of the Holy Ghost was purchased; he gave
himself for his church, to sanctify it. If our views have not this effect on us, they are not Divine
truth, or we do not receive them by a living and a working faith, but as mere notions.

Verses 20–23

Our Lord especially prayed, that all believers might be as one body under one head, animated
by one soul, by their union with Christ and the Father in him, through the Holy Spirit dwelling in
them. The more they dispute about lesser things, the more they throw doubts upon Christianity.
Let us endeavour to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, praying that all believers may
be more and more united in one mind and one judgment. Thus shall we convince the world of the
truth and excellence of our religion, and find more sweet communion with God and his saints.

Verses 24–26

Christ, as one with the Father, claimed on behalf of all that had been given to him, and should
in due time believe on him, that they should be brought to heaven; and that there the whole company
of the redeemed might behold his glory as their beloved Friend and Brother, and therein find
happiness. He had declared and would further declare the name or character of God, by his doctrine
and his Spirit, that, being one with him, the love of the Father to him might abide with them also.
Thus, being joined to Him by one Spirit, they might be filled with all the fulness of God, and enjoy
a blessedness of which we can form no right idea in our present state.

Chapter 18

Chapter Outline
Christ taken in the garden. (1–12)
Christ before Annas and Caiaphas. (13–27)
Christ before Pilate. (28–40)

Verses 1–12

Sin began in the garden of Eden, there the curse was pronounced, there the Redeemer was
promised; and in a garden that promised Seed entered into conflict with the old serpent. Christ was
buried also in a garden. Let us, when we walk in our gardens, take occasion from thence to mediate
on Christ's sufferings in a garden. Our Lord Jesus, knowing all things that should come upon him,
went forth and asked, Whom seek ye? When the people would have forced him to a crown, he
withdrew, ch. 6:15, but when they came to force him to a cross, he offered himself; for he came
into this world to suffer, and went to the other world to reign. He showed plainly what he could
have done; when he struck them down he could have struck them dead, but he would not do so. It
must have been the effect of Divine power, that the officers and soldiers let the disciples go away

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