Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

The persecutions were stayed. The professors of the gospel walked uprightly, and enjoyed much
comfort from the Holy Ghost, in the hope and peace of the gospel, and others were won over to
them. They lived upon the comfort of the Holy Ghost, not only in the days of trouble and affliction,
but in days of rest and prosperity. Those are most likely to walk cheerfully, who walk circumspectly.

Verses 32–35

Christians are saints, or holy people; not only the eminent ones, as Saint Peter and Saint Paul,
but every sincere professor of the faith of Christ. Christ chose patients whose diseases were incurable
in the course of nature, to show how desperate was the case of fallen mankind. When we were
wholly without strength, as this poor man, he sent his word to heal us. Peter does not pretend to
heal by any power of his own, but directs Eneas to look up to Christ for help. Let none say, that
because it is Christ, who, by the power of his grace, works all our works in us, therefore we have
no work, no duty to do; for though Jesus Christ makes thee whole, yet thou must arise, and use the
power he gives thee.

Verses 36–43

Many are full of good words, who are empty and barren in good works; but Tabitha was a great
doer, no great talker. Christians who have not property to give in charity, may yet be able to do
acts of charity, working with their hands, or walking with their feet, for the good of others. Those
are certainly best praised whose own works praise them, whether the words of others do so or not.
But such are ungrateful indeed, who have kindness shown them, and will not acknowledge it, by
showing the kindness that is done them. While we live upon the fulness of Christ for our whole
salvation, we should desire to be full of good works, for the honour of his name, and for the benefit
of his saints. Such characters as Dorcas are useful where they dwell, as showing the excellency of
the word of truth by their lives. How mean then the cares of the numerous females who seek no
distinction but outward decoration, and who waste their lives in the trifling pursuits of dress and
vanity! Power went along with the word, and Dorcas came to life. Thus in the raising of dead souls
to spiritual life, the first sign of life is the opening of the eyes of the mind. Here we see that the
Lord can make up every loss; that he overrules every event for the good of those who trust in him,
and for the glory of his name.

Chapter 10

Chapter Outline
Cornelius directed to send for Peter. (1–8)
Peter's vision. (9–18)
He goes to Cornelius. (19–33)
His discourse to Cornelius. (34–43)
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