Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

and will seek to lessen the suffering they before desired to increase. When the fruits of faith begin
to appear, terrors will be followed by confidence and joy in God.

Verses 35–40

Paul, though willing to suffer for the cause of Christ, and without any desire to avenge himself,
did not choose to depart under the charge of having deserved wrongful punishment, and therefore
required to be dismissed in an honourable manner. It was not a mere point of honour that the apostle
stood upon, but justice, and not to himself so much as to his cause. And when proper apology is
made, Christians should never express personal anger, nor insist too strictly upon personal amends.
The Lord will make them more than conquerors in every conflict; instead of being cast down by
their sufferings, they will become comforters of their brethren.

Chapter 17

Chapter Outline
Paul at Thessalonica. (1–9)
The noble conduct of the Bereans. (10–15)
Paul at Athens. (16–21)
He preaches there. (22–31)
The scornful conduct of the Athenians. (32–34)

Verses 1–9

The drift and scope of Paul's preaching and arguing, was to prove that Jesus is the Christ. He
must needs suffer for us, because he could not otherwise purchase our redemption for us; and he
must needs have risen again, because he could not otherwise apply the redemption to us. We are
to preach concerning Jesus that he is Christ; therefore we may hope to be saved by him, and are
bound to be ruled by him. The unbelieving Jews were angry, because the apostles preached to the
Gentiles, that they might be saved. How strange it is, that men should grudge others the privileges
they will not themselves accept! Neither rulers nor people need be troubled at the increase of real
Christians, even though turbulent spirits should make religion the pretext for evil designs. Of such
let us beware, from such let us withdraw, that we may show a desire to act aright in society, while
we claim our right to worship God according to our consciences.

Verses 10–15

The Jews in Berea applied seriously to the study of the word preached unto them. They not
only heard Paul preach on the sabbath, but daily searched the Scriptures, and compared what they
read with the facts related to them. The doctrine of Christ does not fear inquiry; advocates for his

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