Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

haste to turn from hearing the truth. Was any business more urgent than for him to reform his
conduct, or more important than the salvation of his soul! Sinners often start up like a man roused
from his sleep by a loud noise, but soon sink again into their usual drowsiness. Be not deceived by
occasional appearances of religion in ourselves or in others. Above all, let us not trifle with the
word of God. Do we expect that as we advance in life our hearts will grow softer, or that the
influence of the world will decline? Are we not at this moment in danger of being lost for ever?
Now is the day of salvation; tomorrow may be too late.

Chapter 25

Chapter Outline
Paul before Festus, he appeals to Caesar. (1–12)
Festus confers with Agrippa respecting Paul. (13–27)

Verses 1–12

See how restless malice is. Persecutors deem it a peculiar favour to have their malice gratified.
Preaching Christ, the end of the law, was no offence against the law. In suffering times the prudence
of the Lord's people is tried, as well as their patience; they need wisdom. It becomes those who are
innocent, to insist upon their innocence. Paul was willing to abide by the rules of the law, and to
let that take its course. If he deserved death, he would accept the punishment. But if none of the
things whereof they accused him were true, no man could deliver him unto them, with justice. Paul
is neither released nor condemned. It is an instance of the slow steps which Providence takes; by
which we are often made ashamed, both of our hopes and of our fears, and are kept waiting on

Verses 13–27

Agrippa had the government of Galilee. How many unjust and hasty judgments the Roman
maxim, ver. #(16), condemn! This heathen, guided only by the light of nature, followed law and
custom exactly, yet how many Christians will not follow the rules of truth, justice, and charity, in
judging their brethren! The questions about God's worship, the way of salvation, and the truths of
the gospel, may appear doubtful and without interest, to worldly men and mere politicians. See
how slightly this Roman speaks of Christ, and of the great controversy between the Jews and the
Christians. But the day is at hand when Festus and the whole world will see, that all the concerns
of the Roman empire were but trifles and of no consequence, compared with this question of Christ's
resurrection. Those who have had means of instruction, and have despised them, will be awfully
convinced of their sin and folly. Here was a noble assembly brought together to hear the truths of
the gospel, though they only meant to gratify their curiosity by attending to the defence of a prisoner.
Many, even now, attend at the places of hearing the word of God with “great pomp,” and too often
with no better motive than curiosity. And though ministers do not now stand as prisoners to make

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