Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

engraved them on the palms of his hands, and presented them to his Father. And he crowned himself
with holiness to the Lord, consecrating his whole undertaking to the honour of his Father's holiness.
True believers are spiritual priests. The clean linen with which all their clothes of service must be
made, is the righteousness of saints, Re 19:8.

Verses 32–43

The tabernacle was a type or emblem of Jesus Christ. As the Most High dwelt visibly within
the sanctuary, even on the ark, so did he reside in the human nature and tabernacle of his dear Son;
in Christ dwelt all the fulness of the Godhead bodily, Col 2:9. The tabernacle was a symbol of every
real Christian. In the soul of every true follower of the Saviour the Father dwells, the object of his
worship, and the author of his blessings. The tabernacle also typified the church of the Redeemer.
The meanest and the mightiest are alike dear to the Father's love, freely exercised through faith in
Christ. The tabernacle was a type and emblem of the heavenly temple, Re 21:3. What, then, will
be the splendour of His appearance, when the cloud shall be withdrawn, and his faithful worshippers
shall see him as he is!

Chapter 40

Chapter Outline
The tabernacle is to be set up, Aaron and (1–15)
his sons to be sanctified.
Moses performs all as directed. (16–33)
The glory of the Lord fills the tabernacle. (34–38)

Verses 1–15

When a new year begins, we should seek to serve God better than the year before. In half a year
the tabernacle was completed. When the hearts of numbers are earnest in a good cause, much may
be done in a short time; and when the commandments of God are continually attended to, as the
rule of working, all will be done well. The high-priesthood was in the family of Aaron till Christ
came, and in Him, the substance of all these shadows, it continues for ever.

Verses 16–33

When the tabernacle and the furniture of it were prepared, they did not put off rearing it till
they came to Canaan; but, in obedience to the will of God, they set it up in the midst of their camp.
Those who are unsettled in the world, must not think that this will excuse want of religion; as if it
were enough to begin to serve God when they begin to be settled in the world. No; a tabernacle for
God is very needful, even in a wilderness, especially as we may be in another world before we
come to fix in this. And we may justly fear lest we should deceive ourselves with a form of godliness.

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