Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

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entrance into the most holy place. See Heb 9:7. The high priest was to come out again; but our Lord
Jesus ever lives, making intercession, and always appears in the presence of God for us. Here are
typified the two great gospel duties of faith and repentance. By faith we put our hands upon the
head of the offering; relying on Christ as the Lord our Righteousness, pleading his satisfaction, as
that which alone is able to atone for our sins, and procure us a pardon. By repentance we afflict
our souls; not only fasting for a time from the delights of the body, but inwardly sorrowing for sin,
and living a life of self-denial, assuring ourselves, that if we confess our sins, God is faithful and
just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. By the atonement we obtain
rest for our souls, and all the glorious liberties of the children of God. Sinner, get the blood of Christ
effectually applied to thy soul, or else thou canst never look God in the face with any comfort or
acceptance. Take this blood of Christ, apply it by faith, and see how it atones with God.

Chapter 17

Chapter Outline
All sacrifices to be offered at the tabernacle. (1–9)
Eating of blood, or of animals which died a (10–16)
natural death, forbidden.

Verses 1–9

All the cattle killed by the Israelites, while in the wilderness, were to be presented before the
door of the tabernacle, and the flesh to be returned to the offerer, to be eaten as a peace-offering,
according to the law. When they entered Canaan, this only continued in respect of sacrifices. The
spiritual sacrifices we are now to offer, are not confined to any one place. We have now no temple
or altar that sanctifies the gift; nor does the gospel unity rest only in one place, but in one heart,
and the unity of the Spirit. Christ is our Altar, and the true Tabernacle; in him God dwells among
men. It is in him that our sacrifices are acceptable to God, and in him only. To set up other mediators,
or other altars, or other expiatory sacrifices, is, in effect, to set up other gods. And though God will
graciously accept our family offerings, we must not therefore neglect attending at the tabernacle.

Verses 10–16

Here is a confirmation of the law against eating blood. They must eat no blood. But this law
was ceremonial, and is now no longer in force; the coming of the substance does away the shadow.
The blood of beasts is no longer the ransom, but Christ's blood only; therefore there is not now the
reason for abstaining there then was. The blood is now allowed for the nourishment of our bodies;
it is no longer appointed to make an atonement for the soul. Now the blood of Christ makes
atonement really and effectually; to that, therefore, we must have regard, and not consider it as a
common thing, or treat it with indifference.

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