Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1


This book is called NUMBERS from the several numberings of the people contained in it. It
extends from the giving of the law at Sinai, till their arrival in the plains of Jordan. An account is
given of their murmuring and unbelief, for which they were sentenced to wander in the wilderness
nearly forty years; also some laws, both, moral and ceremonial. Their trials greatly tended to
distinguish the wicked and hypocrites from the faithful and true servants of God, who served him
with a pure heart.

Chapter 1

Chapter Outline
The numbering of the Israelites. (1–43)
The number of the people. (44–46)
The Levites not numbered with the rest. (47–54)

Verses 1–43

The people were numbered to show God's faithfulness in thus increasing the seed of Jacob, that
they might be the better trained for the wars and conquest of Canaan, and to ascertain their families
in order to the division of the land. It is said of each tribe, that those were numbered who were able
to go forth to war; they had wars before them, though now they met with no opposition. Let the
believer be prepared to withstand the enemies of his soul, though all may appear to be peace.

Verses 44–46

We have here the sum total. How much was required to maintain all these in the wilderness!
They were all provided for by God every day. When we observe the faithfulness of God, however
unlikely the performance of his promise may appear, we may take courage as to those which yet
remain to be fulfilled to the church of God.

Verses 47–54

Care is here taken to distinguish the tribe of Levi, which, in the matter of the golden calf, had
distinguished itself. Singular services shall be recompensed by singular honours. It was to the
honour of the Levites, that to them was committed the care of the tabernacle and its treasures, in
their camps and in their marches. It was for the honour of the holy things that none should see them,
or touch them, but those who were called of God to the service. We all are unfit and unworthy to
have fellowship with God, till called by his grace into the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our
Lord; and so, being the spiritual seed of that great High Priest, we are made priests to our God.
Great care must be taken to prevent sin, for preventing sin is preventing wrath. Being a holy tribe,
they were not reckoned among other Israelites. They that minister about holy things, should neither

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