Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

entangle themselves, nor be entangled, in worldly affairs. And let every believer seek to do what
the Lord has commanded.

Chapter 2

The order of the tribes in their tents.
—The tribes were to encamp about the tabernacle, which was to be in the midst of them. It was
a token of God's gracious presence. Yet they were to pitch their tents afar off, in reverence to the
sanctuary. The children of Israel put themselves in their posts, without murmuring or disputing;
and as it was their safety, so it was their beauty. It is our duty and interest to be contented with the
place allotted to us, and to endeavour to occupy it in a proper manner, without envying or murmuring;
without ambition or covetousness. Thus the gospel church ought to be compact, according to the
Scripture model, every one knowing and keeping his place; and then all that wish well to the church
rejoice, beholding their order, Col 2:5.

Chapter 3

Chapter Outline
The sons of Aaron, The Levites taken (1–13)
instead of the first-born.
The Levites numbered by their families, (14–39)
Their duties.
The first-born are numbered. (40–51)

Verses 1–13

There was much work belonging to the priests' office, and there were now only Aaron and his
two sons to do it; God appoints the Levites to attend them. Those whom God finds work for, he
will find help for. The Levites were taken instead of the first-born. When He that made us, saves
us, as the first-born of Israel were saved, we are laid under further obligations to serve him faithfully.
God's right to us by redemption, confirms the right he has to us by creation.

Verses 14–39

The Levites were in three classes, according to the sons of Levi; Gershon, Kohath, and Merari;
and these were subdivided into families. The posterity of Moses were not at all honoured or
privileged, but stood upon the level with other Levites; thus it was plain, that Moses did not seek

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