Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Lord. The Divine law consults the good order of families. It is fit that every man should bear rule
in his own house, and have his wife and children in subjection; rather than that this great rule should
be broken, or any encouragement be given to inferior relations to break those bonds asunder, God
releases the obligation even of a solemn vow. So much does religion secure the welfare of all
societies; and in it the families of the earth have a blessing.

Chapter 31

Chapter Outline
War with Midian. (1–6)
Balaam slain. (7–12)
Those slain who caused sin. (13–38)
Purification of the Israelites. (39–24)
Division of the spoil. (25–47)
Offerings. (48–54)

Verses 1–6

All who, without commission from God, dare to execute private revenge, and who, from
ambition, covetousness, or resentment, wage war and desolate kingdoms, must one day answer for
it. But if God, instead of sending an earthquake, a pestilence, or a famine, be pleased to authorize
and command any people to avenge his cause, such a commission surely is just and right. The
Israelites could show such a commission, though no persons now can do so. Their wars were begun
and carried on expressly by Divine direction, and they were enabled to conquer by miracles. Unless
it can be proved that the wicked Canaanites did not deserve their doom, objectors only prove their
dislike to God, and their love to his enemies. Man makes light of the evil of sin, but God abhors it.
This explains the terrible executions of the nations which had filled the measure of their sins.

Verses 7–12

The Israelites slew the Kings of Midian. They slew Balaam. God's overruling providence brought
him thither, and their just vengeance found him. Had he himself rightly believed what he had said
of the happy state of Israel, he would not have thus herded with the enemies of Israel. The Midianites'
wicked wiles were Balaam's projects: it was just that he should perish with them, Ho 4:5. They
took the women and children captives. They burnt their cities and castles, and returned to the camp.

Verses 13–18

The sword of war should spare women and children; but the sword of justice should know no
distinction, but that of guilty or not guilty. This war was the execution of a righteous sentence upon

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