Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1
Chapter Outline
Ephraimites quarrel with Jephthah. (1–7)
Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon judge Israel. (8–15)

Verses 1–7

The Ephraimites had the same quarrel with Jephthah as with Gideon. Pride was at the bottom
of the quarrel; only by that comes contention. It is ill to fasten names of reproach upon persons or
countries, as is common, especially upon those under outward disadvantages. It often occasions
quarrels that prove of ill consequence, as it did here. No contentions are so bitter as those between
brethren or rivals for honour. What need we have to watch and pray against evil tempers! May the
Lord incline all his people to follow after things which make for peace!

Verses 8–15

We have here a short account of three more of the judges of Israel. The happiest life of
individuals, and the happiest state of society, is that which affords the fewest remarkable events.
To live in credit and quiet, to be peacefully useful to those around us, to possess a clear conscience;
but, above all, and without which nothing can avail, to enjoy communion with God our Saviour
while we live, and to die at peace with God and man, form the substance of all that a wise man can

Chapter 13

Chapter Outline
The Philistines, Samson announced. (1–7)
The angel appears to Manoah. (8–14)
Manoah's sacrifice. (15–23)
Birth of Samson. (24, 25)

Verses 1–7

Israel did evil: then God delivered them again into the hands of the Philistines. When Israel
was in this distress, Samson was born. His parents had been long childless. Many eminent persons
were born of such mothers. Mercies long waited for, often prove signal mercies; and by them others
may be encouraged to continue their hope in God's mercy. The angel notices her affliction. God
often sends comfort to his people very seasonably, when they feel their troubles most. This deliverer
of Israel must be devoted to God. Manoah's wife was satisfied that the messenger was of God. She
gave her husband a particular account, both of the promise and of the precept. Husbands and wives

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