Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

For a long time David was kept in continual apprehension of falling by the hand of Saul, yet
he persevered in meek and respectful behaviour towards his persecutor. How uncommon is such
prudence and discretion, especially under insults and provocations! Let us inquire if we imitate this
part of the exemplary character before us. Are we behaving wisely in all our ways? Is there no
sinful omission, no rashness of spirit, nothing wrong in our conduct? Opposition and perverseness
in others, will not excuse wrong tempers in us, but should increase our care, and attention to the
duties of our station. Consider Him that endured contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye
be weary and faint in your minds, Heb 12:3. If David magnified the honour of being son-in-law to
king Saul, how should we magnify the honour of being sons to the King of kings!

Chapter 19

Chapter Outline
Jonathan reconciles his father to David, Saul (1–10)
again tries to slay him.
David flees to Samuel. (11–24)

Verses 1–10

How forcible are right words! Saul was, for a time, convinced of the unreasonableness of his
enmity to David; but he continued his malice against David. So incurable is the hatred of the seed
of the serpent against that of the woman; so deceitful and desperately wicked is the heart of man
without the grace of God, Jer 17:9.

Verses 11–24

Michal's stratagem to gain time till David got to a distance was allowable, but her falsehood
had not even the plea of necessity to excuse it, and manifests that she was not influenced by the
same spirit of piety which had dictated Jonathan's language to Saul. In flying to Samuel, David
made God his refuge. Samuel, as a prophet, was best able to advise him what to do in this day of
distress. He met with little rest or satisfaction in Saul's court, therefore went to seek it in Samuel's
church. What little pleasure is to be had in this world, those have who live a life of communion
with God; to that David returned in the time of trouble. So impatient was Saul after David's blood,
so restless against him, that although baffled by one providence after another, he could not see that
David was under the special protection of God. And when God will take this way to protect David,
even Saul prophesies. Many have great gifts, yet no grace; they may prophesy in Christ's name,
yet are disowned by him. Let us daily seek for renewing grace, which shall be in us as a well of
water springing up into everlasting life. Let us cleave to truth and holiness with full purpose of
heart. In every danger and trouble, let us seek protection, comfort, and direction in God's ordinances.

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