Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Verses 20–25

Those that expect any good counsel or comfort, otherwise than from God, and in the way of
his institutions, will be as wretchedly disappointed as Saul. Though terrified even to despair, he
was not humbled. He confessed not his sins, offered no sacrifices, and presented no supplications.
He does not seem to have cared about his sons or his people, or to have attempted any escape; but
in sullen despair he rushed upon his doom. God sets up a few such beacons, to warn men not to
stifle convictions, or despise his word. But while one repenting thought remains, let no sinner
suppose himself in this case. Let him humble himself before God, determined to live and die
beseeching his favour, and he will succeed.

Chapter 29

Chapter Outline
David objected to by the Philistines. (1–5)
He is dismissed by Achish. (6–11)

Verses 1–5

David waited with a secret hope that the Lord would help him out of his difficulty. But he seems
to have been influenced too much by the fear of man, in consenting to attend Achish. It is hard to
come near to the brink of sin, and not to fall in. God inclined the princes of the Philistines to oppose
David's being employed in the battle. Thus their dislike befriended him, when no friend could do
him such a kindness.

Verses 6–11

David scarcely ever had a greater deliverance than when dismissed from such insnaring service.
God's people should always behave themselves so, as, if possible, to get the good word of all they
have dealings with: and it is due to those who have acted well, to speak well of them.

Chapter 30

Chapter Outline
Ziklag spoiled by the Amalekites. (1–6)
David overtakes the Amalekites. (7–15)
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