Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

may be ascribed to him. While we are on this earth we are within his reach. Hence it concerns us
to be sober and vigilant, 1Pe 5:8. See how Satan censures Job. This is the common way of slanderers,
to suggest that which they have no reason to think is true. But as there is nothing we should dread
more than really being hypocrites, so there is nothing we need dread less than being called and
counted so without cause. It is not wrong to look at the eternal recompence in our obedience; but
it is wrong to aim at worldly advantages in our religion. God's people are taken under his special
protection; they, and all that belong to them. The blessing of the Lord makes rich; Satan himself
owns it. God suffered Job to be tried, as he suffered Peter to be sifted. It is our comfort that God
has the devil in a chain, Re 20:1. He has no power to lead men to sin, but what they give him
themselves; nor any power to afflict men, but what is given him from above. All this is here described
to us after the manner of men. The Scripture speaks thus to teach us that God directs the affairs of
the world.

Verses 13–19

Satan brought Job's troubles upon him on the day that his children began their course of feasting.
The troubles all came upon Job at once; while one messenger of evil tidings was speaking, another
followed. His dearest and most valuable possessions were his ten children; news is brought him
that they are killed. They were taken away when he had most need of them to comfort him under
other losses. In God only have we a help present at all times. (Job 1:20-22)

Verses 20–22

Job humbled himself under the hand of God. He reasons from the common state of human life,
which he describes. We brought nothing of this world's goods into the world, but have them from
others; and it is certain we can carry nothing out, but must leave them to others. Job, under all his
losses, is but reduced to his first state. He is but where he must have been at last, and is only
unclothed, or unloaded rather, a little sooner than he expected. If we put off our clothes before we
go to bed, it is some inconvenience, but it may be the better borne when it is near bed-time. The
same who gave hath taken away. See how Job looks above instruments, and keeps his eye upon
the First Cause. Afflictions must not divert us from, but quicken us to religion. If in all our troubles
we look to the Lord, he will support us. The Lord is righteous. All we have is from his gift; we
have forfeited it by sin, and ought not to complain if he takes any part from us. Discontent and
impatience charge God with folly. Against these Job carefully watched; and so must we,
acknowledging that as God has done right, but we have done wickedly, so God has done wisely,
but we have done very foolishly. And may the malice and power of Satan render that Saviour more
precious to our souls, who came to destroy the works of the devil; who, for our salvation, suffered
from that enemy far more than Job suffered, or we can think.

Chapter 2

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