Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

spirit of the giants before the flood, who became mighty men, and men of renown, Ge 6:4, revived
in him. Nimrod was a great hunter. Hunting then was the method of preventing the hurtful increase
of wild beasts. This required great courage and address, and thus gave an opportunity for Nimrod
to command others, and gradually attached a number of men to one leader. From such a beginning,
it is likely, that Nimrod began to rule, and to force others to submit. He invaded his neighbours'
rights and properties, and persecuted innocent men; endeavouring to make all his own by force and
violence. He carried on his oppressions and violence in defiance of God himself. Nimrod was a
great ruler. Some way or other, by arts or arms, he got into power, and so founded a monarchy,
which was the terror of the mighty, and bid fair to rule all the world. Nimrod was a great builder.
Observe in Nimrod the nature of ambition. It is boundless; much would have more, and still cries,
Give, give. It is restless; Nimrod, when he had four cities under his command, could not be content
till he had four more. It is expensive; Nimrod will rather be at the charge of rearing cities, than not
have the honour of ruling them. It is daring, and will stick at nothing. Nimrod's name signifies
rebellion; tyrants to men are rebels to God. The days are coming, when conquerors will no longer
be spoken of with praise, as in man's partial histories, but be branded with infamy, as in the impartial
records of the Bible.

Verses 15–32

The posterity of Canaan were numerous, rich, and pleasantly seated; yet Canaan was under a
Divine curse, and not a curse causeless. Those that are under the curse of God, may, perhaps, thrive
and prosper in this world; for we cannot know love or hatred, the blessing or the curse, by what is
before us, but by what is within us. The curse of God always works really, and always terribly.
Perhaps it is a secret curse, a curse to the soul, and does not work so that others can see it; or a slow
curse, and does not work soon; but sinners are reserved by it for a day of wrath Canaan here has a
better land than either Shem or Japheth, and yet they have a better lot, for they inherit the blessing.
Abram and his seed, God's covenant people, descended from Eber, and from him were called
Hebrews. How much better it is to be like Eber, the father of a family of saints and honest men,
than the father of a family of hunters after power, worldly wealth, or vanities. Goodness is true

Chapter 11

Chapter Outline
One language in the world, The building of (1–4)
The confusion of tongues, The builders of (5–9)
Babel dispersed.
The descendants of Shem. (10–26)
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