Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

will pay his vows now; he will not delay the payment: publicly, not to make a boast, but to show
he is not ashamed of God's service, and to invite others to join him. Such are true saints of God, in
whose lives and deaths he will be glorified.

Chapter 117

All people called upon to praise God.
—Here is a solemn call to all nations to praise the Lord, and proper matter for that praise is
suggested. We are soon weary of well-doing, if we keep not up the pious and devout affections
with which the spiritual sacrifice of praise ought to be kindled and kept burning. This is a gospel
psalm. The apostle, Ro 15:11, quotes it as a proof that the gospel was to be preached to the Gentile
nations, and that it would be entertained by them. For many ages, in Judah only was God known,
and his name praised; this call was not then given to any Gentiles. But the gospel of Christ is ordered
to be preached to all nations, and by him those that were afar off are made nigh. We are among the
persons to whom the Holy Spirit here speaks, whom he calls upon to join his ancient people in
praising the Lord. Grace has thus abounded to millions of perishing sinners. Let us then listen to
the offers of the grace of God, and pray for that time when all nations of the earth shall show forth
his praises. And let us bless God for the unsearchable riches of gospel grace.

Chapter 118

Chapter Outline
It is good to trust in the Lord. (1–18)
The coming of Christ in his kingdom. (19–29)

Verses 1–18

The account the psalmist here gives of his troubles is very applicable to Christ: many hated him
without a cause; nay, the Lord himself chastened him sorely, bruised him, and put him to grief, that
by his stripes we might be healed. God is sometimes the strength of his people, when he is not their
song; they have spiritual supports, though they want spiritual delights. Whether the believer traces
back his comfort to the everlasting goodness and mercy of God, or whether he looks forward to
the blessing secured to him, he will find abundant cause for joy and praise. Every answer to our
prayers is an evidence that the Lord is on our side; and then we need not fear what man can do unto
us; we should conscientiously do our duty to all, and trust in him alone to accept and bless us. Let
us seek to live to declare the works of God, and to encourage others to serve him and trust in him.
Such were the triumphs of the Son of David, in the assurance that the good pleasure of the Lord
should prosper in his hand.

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