Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

employed in God's service, we need not fear those who try to set themselves as far as they can out
of the reach of the convictions and commands of his law. When trouble is near, God is near. He is
never far to seek. All his commandments are truth. And God's promises will be performed. All that
ever trusted in God have found him faithful.

Verses 153–160

The closer we cleave to the word of God, both as our rule and as our stay, the more assurance
we have of deliverance. Christ is the Advocate of his people, their Redeemer. Those who were
quickened by his Spirit and grace, when they were dead in trespasses and sins, often need to have
the work of grace revived in them, according to the word of promise. The wicked not only do not
God's statutes, but they do not even seek them. They flatter themselves that they are going to heaven;
but the longer they persist in sin, the further it is from them. God's mercies are tender; they are a
fountain that can never be exhausted. The psalmist begs for God's reviving, quickening grace. A
man, steady in the way of his duty, though he may have many enemies, needs to fear none. Those
that hate sin truly, hate it as sin, as a transgression of the law of God, and a breaking of his word.
Our obedience is only pleasing to God, and pleasant to ourselves, when it comes from a principle
of love. All, in every age, who receive God's word in faith and love, find every saying in it faithful.

Verses 161–168

Those whose hearts stand in awe of God's word, will rather endure the wrath of man, than break
the law of God. By the word of God we are unspeakable gainers. Every man hates to have a lie told
him, but we should more hate telling a lie; by the latter we give an affront to God. The more we
see the beauty of truth, the more we shall see the hateful deformity of a lie. We are to praise God
even for afflictions; through grace we get good from them. Those that love the world have great
vexation, for it does not answer what they expect; those that love God's word have great peace, for
it outdoes what they expect. Those in whom this holy love reigns, will not perplex themselves with
needless scruples, or take offence at their brethren. A good hope of salvation will engage the heart
in doing the commandments. And our love to the word of God must subdue our lusts, and root out
carnal affections: we must make heart work of it, or we make nothing of it. We must keep the
commandments of God by obedience to them, and his promises by reliance on them. God's eye is
on us at all times; this should make us very careful to keep his commandments.

Verses 169–176

The psalmist desired grace and strength to lift up his prayers, and that the Lord would receive
and notice them. He desired to know more of God in Christ; to know more of the doctrines of the
word, and the duties of religion. He had a deep sense of unworthiness, and holy fear that his prayer
should not come before God; Lord, what I pray for is, what thou hast promised. We have learned
nothing to purpose, if we have not learned to praise God. We should always make the word of God
the rule of our discourse, so as never to transgress it by sinful speaking, or sinful silence. His own
hands are not sufficient, nor can any creature lend him help; therefore he looks up to God, that the
hand that had made him may help him. He had made religion his deliberate choice. There is an

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