Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

and bearing evils, if possible, rather than seeking redress by law. It will be found there is little got
by striving. Let us not envy prosperous oppressors; far be it from the disciples of Christ to choose
any of their ways. These truths may be despised by the covetous and luxurious, but everlasting
contempt will be the portion of such scorners, while Divine favour is shown to the humble believer.

Chapter 4

Chapter Outline
Exhortation to the study of wisdom. (1–13)
Cautions against bad company, Exhortation (14–27)
to faith and holiness.

Verses 1–13

We must look upon our teachers as our fathers: though instruction carry in it reproof and
correction, bid it welcome. Solomon's parents loved him, therefore taught him. Wise and godly
men, in every age of the world, and rank in society, agree that true wisdom consists in obedience,
and is united to happiness. Get wisdom, take pains for it. Get the rule over thy corruptions; take
more pains to get this than the wealth of this world. An interest in Christ's salvation is necessary.
This wisdom is the one thing needful. A soul without true wisdom and grace is a dead soul. How
poor, contemptible, and wretched are those, who, with all their wealth and power, die without
getting understanding, without Christ, without hope, and without God! Let us give heed to the
sayings of Him who has the words of eternal life. Thus our path will be plain before us: by taking,
and keeping fast hold of instruction, we shall avoid being straitened or stumbling.

Verses 14–27

The way of evil men may seem pleasant, and the nearest way to compass some end; but it is
an evil way, and will end ill; if thou love thy God and thy soul, avoid it. It is not said, Keep at a
due distance, but at a great distance; never think you can get far enough from it. The way of the
righteous is light; Christ is their Way, and he is the Light. The saints will not be perfect till they
reach heaven, but there they shall shine as the sun in his strength. The way of sin is as darkness.
The way of the wicked is dark, therefore dangerous; they fall into sin, but know not how to avoid
it. They fall into trouble, but never seek to know wherefore God contends with them, nor what will
be in the end of it. This is the way we are bid to shun. Attentive hearing the word of God, is a good
sign of a work of grace begun in the heart, and a good means of carrying it on. There is in the word
of God a proper remedy for all diseases of the soul. Keep thy heart with all diligence. We must set
a strict guard upon our souls; keep our hearts from doing hurt, and getting hurt. A good reason is
given; because out of it are the issues of life. Above all, we should seek from the Lord Jesus that
living water, the sanctifying Spirit, issuing forth unto everlasting life. Thus we shall be enabled to
put away a froward mouth and perverse lips; our eyes will be turned from beholding vanity, looking

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