Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

As vinegar sets the teeth on edge, and as the smoke causes the eyes to smart, so the sluggard
vexes his employer.

Verses 27 , 28

What man is he that loves life? Let him fear God, and that will secure to him life enough in this
world, and eternal life in the other.

Verse 29

The believer grows stronger in faith, and obeys with increased delight.

Verse 30

The wicked would be glad to have this earth their home for ever, but it cannot be so. They must
die and leave all their idols behind.

Verses 31 , 32

A good man discourses wisely for the benefit of others. But it is the sin, and will be the ruin of
a wicked man, that he speaks what is displeasing to God, and provoking to those he converses with.
The righteous is kept by the power of God; and nothing shall be able to separate him from the love
of God which is in Christ Jesus.

Chapter 11

Verse 1

However men may make light of giving short weight or measure, and however common such
crimes may be, they are an abomination to the Lord.

Verse 2

Considering how safe, and quiet, and easy the humble are, we see that with the lowly is wisdom.

Verse 3

An honest man's principles are fixed, therefore his way is plain.

Verse 4

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