Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

A gloomy, impatient, unthankful spirit, springing from pride and undue attachment to worldly
objects, renders a man uneasy to himself and others.

Verse 14

A wise man seeks to gain more wisdom, growing in grace and in the knowledge of Christ. But
a carnal mind rests contented, flattering itself.

Verse 15

Some are much in affliction, and of a sorrowful spirit. Such are to be pitied, prayed for, and
comforted. And others serve God with gladness of heart, and it prompts their obedience, yet they
should rejoice with trembling.

Verses 16 , 17

Believers often have enough when worldly eyes see little; the Lord is with them, without the
cares, troubles, and temptations which are with the wealth of the wicked.

Verse 18

He that is slow to anger, not only prevents strife, but appeases it, if kindled.

Verse 19

Those who have no heart to their work, pretend that they cannot do their work without hardship
and danger. And thus many live always in doubt about their state, because always in neglect of
some duty.

Verse 20

Those who treat an aged mother or a father with contempt or neglect, show their own folly.

Verse 21

Such as are truly wise, study that their thoughts, words, and actions should be regular, sincere,
and holy.

Verse 22

If men will not take time and pains to deliberate, they are not likely to bring any thing to pass.

Verse 23

Wisdom is needed to suit our discourse to the occasions.
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