Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Those that indulge themselves, may expect to want necessaries, which should have been gotten
by honest labour.

Verse 14

Men use arts to get a good bargain, and to buy cheap; whereas a man ought to be ashamed of
a fraud and a lie.

Verse 15

He that prefers true knowledge to riches, follows the ways of religion and happiness. If we
really believed this truth, the word of God would be valued as it deserves, and the world would
lose its tempting influence.

Verse 16

Those ruin themselves who entangle themselves in rash suretiship. Also those who are in league
with abandoned women. Place no confidence in either.

Verse 17

Wealth gotten by fraud may be sweet, for the carnal mind takes pleasure in the success of wicked
devices; but it will be bitter in the reflection.

Verse 18

Especially we need advice in spiritual warfare. The word and Spirit of God are the best
counsellors in every point.

Verse 19

Those dearly buy their own praise, who put confidence in a man because he speaks fairly.

Verse 20

An undutiful child will become very miserable. Never let him expect any peace or comfort.

Verse 21

An estate suddenly raised, is often as suddenly ruined.

Verse 22

Wait on the Lord, attend his pleasure, and he will protect thee.
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