Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Verse 9

He that seeks to relieve the wants and miseries of others shall be blessed.

Verse 10

Profane scoffers and revilers disturb the peace.

Verse 11

God will be the Friend of a man in whose spirit there is no guile; this honour have all the saints.

Verse 12

God turns the counsels and designs of treacherous men to their own confusion.

Verse 13

The slothful man talks of a lion without, but considers not his real danger from the devil, that
roaring lion within, and from his own slothfulness, which kills him.

Verse 14

The vile sin of licentiousness commonly besots the mind beyond recovery.

Verse 15

Sin is foolishness, it is in the heart, there is an inward inclination to sin: children bring it into
the world with them; and it cleaves close to the soul. We all need to be corrected by our heavenly

Verse 16

We are but stewards, and must distribute what God intrusts to our care, according to his will.

Verses 17–21

To these words, to this knowledge, the ear must be bowed down, and the heart applied by faith
and love. To live a life of delight in God and dependence on him, is the foundation of all practical
religion. The way to know the certainty of the word of truth, is to make conscience of our duty.

Verses 22 , 23

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