Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Verse 20

The true way to be happy, is to be holy and honest; not to raise an estate suddenly, without
regard to right or wrong.

Verse 21

Judgment is perverted, when any thing but pure right is considered.

Verse 22

He that hastens to be rich, never seriously thinks how quickly God may take his wealth from
him, and leave him in poverty.

Verse 23

Upon reflection, most will have a better opinion of a faithful reprover than of a soothing flatterer.

Verse 24

Here is the wickedness of those who think it no sin to rob their parents, by wheedling them or
threatening them, or by wasting what they have, and running into debt.

Verse 25

Those make themselves always easy, that live in continual dependence upon God and his grace,
and live by faith.

Verse 26

A fool trusts to his own strength, merit, and righteousness. And trusts to his own heart, which
is not only deceitful above all things, but which has often deceived him.

Verse 27

A selfish man not only will not look out for objects of compassion, but will look off from those
that call for his attention.

Verse 28

When power is put into the hands of the wicked, wise men decline public business. If the reader
will go diligently over this and the other chapters, in many places where at first he may suppose
there is least of Christ, still he will find what will lead to him.

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