Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Verse 10

Christ told his disciples that they should be hated of all men. The just, whom the blood-thirsty
hate, gladly do any thing for their salvation.

Verse 11

He is a fool who tells every thing he knows, and can keep no counsel.

Verse 12

One who loves flatterers, and hearkens to slanderers, causes his servants to become liars and
false accusers.

Verse 13

Some are poor, others have a great deal of deceitful riches. They meet in the business of this
world; the Lord gives to both the comforts of this life. To some of both sorts he gives his grace.

Verse 14

The rich will look to themselves, but the poor and needy the prince must defend and plead for.

Verse 15

Parents must consider the benefit of due correction, and the mischief of undue indulgence.

Verse 16

Let not the righteous have their faith and hope shocked by the increase of sin and sinners, but
let them wait with patience.

Verse 17

Children must not be suffered to go without rebuke when they do amiss.

Verse 18

How bare does a place look without Bibles and ministers! and what an easy prey is it to the
enemy of souls! That gospel is an open vision, which holds forth Christ, which humbles the sinner
and exalts the Saviour, which promotes holiness in the life and conversation: and these are precious
truths to keep the soul alive, and prevent it from perishing.

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