Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Is. 1:16-20 Not only feel sorrow for the sin committed, but break off the practice. We must be
doing, not stand idle. We must be doing the good the Lord our God requires. It is plain that the
sacrifices of the law could not atone, even for outward national crimes. But, blessed be God, there
is a Fountain opened, in which sinners of every age and rank may be cleansed. Though our sins
have been as scarlet and crimson, a deep dye, a double dye, first in the wool of original corruption,
and afterwards in the many threads of actual transgression; though we have often dipped into sin,
by many backslidings; yet pardoning mercy will take out the stain, Ps. 51:7. They should have all
the happiness and comfort they could desire. Life and death, good and evil, are set before us. O
Lord, incline all of us to live to thy glory.

Is. 1:21-31 Neither holy cities nor royal ones are faithful to their trust, if religion does not dwell
in them. Dross may shine like silver, and the wine that is mixed with water may still have the colour
of wine. Those have a great deal to answer for, who do not help the oppressed, but oppress them.
Men may do much by outward restraints; but only God works effectually by the influences of his
Spirit, as a Spirit of Judgment. Sin is the worst captivity, the worst slavery. The redemption of the
spiritual Zion, by the righteousness and death of Christ, and by his powerful grace, most fully
accord with what is here meant. Utter ruin is threatened. The Jews should become as a tree when
blasted by heat; as a garden without water, which in those hot countries would soon be burned up.
Thus shall they be that trust in idols, or in an arm of flesh. Even the strong man shall be as tow;
not only soon broken, and pulled to pieces, but easily catching fire. When the sinner has made
himself as tow and stubble, and God makes himself as a consuming fire, what can prevent the utter
ruin of the sinner?

Chapter 2

The conversion of the Gentiles, Description of the sinfulness of Israel. (Is. 2:1-9) The awful
punishment of unbelievers. (Is. 2:10-22)

Is. 2:1-9 The calling of the Gentiles, the spread of the gospel, and that far more extensive
preaching of it yet to come, are foretold. Let Christians strengthen one another, and support one
another. It is God who teaches his people, by his word and Spirit. Christ promotes peace, as well
as holiness. If all men were real Christians, there could be no war; but nothing answering to these
expressions has yet taken place on the earth. Whatever others do, let us walk in the light of this
peace. Let us remember that when true religion flourishes, men delight in going up to the house of
the Lord, and in urging others to accompany them. Those are in danger who please themselves with
strangers to God; for we soon learn to follow the ways of persons whose company we keep. It is
not having silver and gold, horses and chariots, that displeases God, but depending upon them, as
if we could not be safe, and easy, and happy without them, and could not but be so with them. Sin
is a disgrace to the poorest and the lowest. And though lands called Christian are not full of idols,
in the literal sense, are they not full of idolized riches? and are not men so busy about their gains
and indulgences, that the Lord, his truths, and precepts, are forgotten or despised?

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