Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Chapter 18

God's power over his creatures is represented by the potter. (Jer. 18:1-10) The Jews exhorted
to repentance, and judgments foretold. (Jer. 18:11-17) The prophet appeals to God. (Jer. 18:18-23)

Jer. 18:1-10 While Jeremiah looks upon the potter's work, God darts into his mind two great
truths. God has authority, and power, to form and fashion kingdoms and nations as he pleases. He
may dispose of us as he thinks fit; and it would be as absurd for us to dispute this, as for the clay
to quarrel with the potter. But he always goes by fixed rules of justice and goodness. When God is
coming against us in judgments, we may be sure it is for our sins; but sincere conversion from the
evil of sin will prevent the evil of punishment, as to persons, and to families, and nations.

Jer. 18:11-17 Sinners call it liberty to live at large; whereas for a man to be a slave to his lusts,
is the very worst slavery. They forsook God for idols. When men are parched with heat, and meet
with cooling, refreshing streams, they use them. In these things men will not leave a certainty for
an uncertainty; but Israel left the ancient paths appointed by the Divine law. They walked not in
the highway, in which they might travel safely, but in a way in which they must stumble: such was
the way of idolatry, and such is the way of iniquity. This made their land desolate, and themselves
miserable. Calamities may be borne, if God smile upon us when under them; but if he is displeased,
and refuses his help, we are undone. Multitudes forget the Lord and his Christ, and wander from
the ancient paths, to walk in ways of their own devising. But what will they do in the day of

Jer. 18:18-23 When the prophet called to repentance, instead of obeying the call, the people
devised devices against him. Thus do sinners deal with the great Intercessor, crucifying him afresh,
and speaking against him on earth, while his blood is speaking for them in heaven. But the prophet
had done his duty to them; and the same will be our rejoicing in a day of evil.

Chapter 19

By the type of breaking an earthen vessel, Jeremiah is to predict the destruction of Judah.

Jer. 19:1-9 The prophet must give notice of ruin coming upon Judah and Jerusalem. Both rulers
and ruled must attend to it. That place which holiness made the joy of the whole earth, sin made
the reproach and shame of the whole earth. There is no fleeing from God's justice, but by fleeing
to his mercy.

Jer. 19:10-15 The potter's vessel, after it is hardened, can never be pieced again when it is
broken. And as the bottle was broken, so shall Judah and Jerusalem be broken by the Chaldeans.
No human hand can repair it; but if they return to the Lord he will heal. As they filled Tophet with
the slain sacrificed to their idols, so will God fill the whole city with the slain that shall fall as

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