Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

A false prophet opposes Jeremiah. (Jer. 28:1-9) The false prophet warned of his approaching
death. (Jer. 28:10-17)

Jer. 28:1-9 Hananiah spoke a false prophecy. Here is not a word of good counsel urging the
Jews to repent and return to God. He promises temporal mercies, in God's name, but makes no
mention of the spiritual mercies which God always promised with earthly blessings. This was not
the first time Jeremiah had prayed for the people, though he prophesied against them. He appeals
to the event, to prove Hananiah's falsehood. The prophet who spake only of peace and prosperity,
without adding that they must not by wilful sin stop God's favours, will be proved a false prophet.
Those who do not declare the alarming as well as the encouraging parts of God's word, and call
men to repentance, and faith, and holiness, tread in the steps of the false prophets. The gospel of
Christ encourages men to do works meet for repentance, but gives no encouragement to continue
in sin.

Jer. 28:10-17 Hananiah is sentenced to die, and Jeremiah, when he has received direction from
God, boldly tells him so; but not before he received that commission. Those have much to answer
for, who tell sinners that they shall have peace, though they harden their hearts in contempt of God's
word. The servant of God must be gentle to all men. He must give up even his right, and leave the
Lord to plead his cause. Every attempt of ungodly men to make vain the purposes of God, will add
to their miseries.

Chapter 29

Two letters to the captives in Babylon; In the first, they are recommended to be patient and
composed. (Jer. 29:1-19) In the second, judgments are denounced against the false prophets who
deceived them. (Jer. 29:20-32)

Jer. 29:1-7 The written word of God is as truly given by inspiration of God as his spoken word.
The zealous servant of the Lord will use every means to profit those who are far off, as well as
those who are near him. The art of writing is very profitable for this end; and by the art of printing
it is rendered most beneficial for circulating the knowledge of the word of God. God's sending to
the captives by this letter would show that he had not forsaken them, though he was displeased,
and corrected them. If they live in the fear of God, they may live comfortably in Babylon. In all
conditions of life, it is our wisdom and duty not to throw away the comfort of what we may have,
because we have not all we would have. They are directed to seek the good of the country where
they were captives. While the king of Babylon protected them, they must live quiet and peaceable
lives under him, in all godliness and honesty; patiently leaving it to God to work deliverance for
them in due time.

Jer. 29:8-19 Let men beware how they call those prophets whom they choose after their own
fancies, and how they consider their fancies and dreams to be revelations from God. False prophets

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