
(Barry) #1
For bosons the wave function becomes

B [a(1)a(2)a(1)a(2)] a(1)a(2) 2 a(1)a(2) (9.23)

to give a probability density of

Bosons *BB 2 *a(1)*a(2)a(1)a(2) 2 *MM (9.24)

Thus the probability that both bosons be in the same state is twice what it is for
distinguishable particles!
For fermions the wave function becomes

Fermions F [a(1)a(2)a(1)a(2)] 0 (9.25)

It is impossible for both particles to be in the same state, which is a statement of the
exclusion principle.
These results can be generalized to apply to systems of many particles:

1 In a system of bosons, the presence of a particle in a certain quantum state increases
the probability that other particles are to be found in the same state;
2 In a system of fermions, the presence of a particle in a certain state preventsany
other particles from being in that state.

Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac Distribution Functions

The probability f( ) that a boson occupies a state of energy turns out to be

fBE() (9.26)

and the probability for a fermion turns out to be

fFD() (9.27)


eekT 1

distribution function


eekT 1

distribution function







Statistical Mechanics 307


he Indian physicist S. N. Bose in 1924 derived Planck’s radiation formula on the basis of
the quantum theory of light with indistinguishable photons whose number is not conserved.
His paper was rejected by a leading British journal. He then sent it to Einstein, who translated
the paper into German and submitted it to a German journal where it was published. Because
Einstein extended Bose’s treatment to material particles whose number is conserved, both names
are attached to Eq. 9.26. Two years later Enrico Fermi and Paul Dirac independently realized
that Pauli’s exclusion principle would lead to different statistics for electrons, and so Eq. 9.27 is
named after them.

Names of the Functions

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