Language and the Internet

(Axel Boer) #1

254 Index of authors

Dunbar, Robin, 169
Durusau, Patrick, 50

Eastment, David, 232–3, 235
Elmer-Dewitt, Philip, 25
Erickson, Jim, 1, 216
Erickson, Thomas, 44

Felberbaum, Alicia, 240
Ferrara, K., 17, 25
Finegan, Edward, 73
Flynn, Nancy, 97, 98, 108, 117, 127
Flynn, Tom, 97, 98, 108, 117, 127
Foster, Derek, 6, 59

Gains, J., 101–2, 103
Garrett, Malcolm, 220, 225, 226
Gates, Bill, 21
Gilder, George, 225
Giles, C. Lee, 195
Giles, Howard, 147
Gillen, Julia, 141, 155, 241
Goddard, Angela, 141, 155, 241
Goffman, Erving, 16
Goodman, Robert F., 169
Gore, Al, 216
Graddol, David, 218
Graham, Garth, 59
Grangier, Marcel, 221
Greenbaum, Sidney, 89, 147
Grice, H. P., 48–9, 56, 120, 132, 170
Gurak, Laura, J. 17
Gutenberg, Johannes, 2

Hahn, Harley, 171
Hale, Constance, 13, 22, 25, 65, 69, 74–5,
84, 125, 128, 200, 204
Hall, Edward T., 36
Halliday, Michael, 144
Hatch, Evelyn, 125
Hayes, Alfred S., 36
Healey, Deborah, 232
Herring, Susan C., 142, 144, 147–8, 157,
159, 162–3, 167, 169, 239
Heslop, Brent, 97, 106, 112, 124,
125, 127
Hirschfeld, Bob, 213

Ihnatko, Andy, 18, 29, 60, 66, 80, 89, 224
Iro, Mizuko, 177

Jackson, Michele H., 202, 203
Johansson, Stig, 73, 94
Johnson, Samuel, 64
Karahalios, Karrie, 239
Katzman, Sandra Lee, 38, 167
Keegan, Martin, 171
Kelm, O., 233
King, Stephen, 215
Knowles, Elizabeth, 21
Koizumi, Yuiko, 22, 240
Kovacs, Diane, 129
Kuster, Judith M., 232
Lakoff, Robin, 167
Lamb, Linda, 97
Lawrence, Steve, 195
Lebert, Marie-France, 218, 221
Lee, Pamela Anderson, 89
Leech, Geoffrey, 73, 89, 147
Levinson, Stephen C., 49
Li Lan, 98, 101–2, 103, 220, 242
Little, David, 233
Li Yongyan, 220
Lozar, Katja, 220
Mabry, Edward A., 119, 120
McCawley, James D., 52
McCormick, J. W., 124
McCormick, N. B., 124
McGoohan, Patrick, 228
McLaughlin, M. L., 71
McLuhan, Marshall, 6
Malinowski, Bronislaw, 168
Marvin, Lee-Ellen, 29, 30, 54–5
Masterson, Julie J., 232
Maynor, Nancy, 17
Mbeki, Thabo, vii
Metcalfe, Robert M., 220
Mikami, Yoshi, 218
Millard, William B., 17, 25, 41, 56
Miller, George A., 137
Milroy, James, 63
Milroy, Leslie, 63
Moran, John, 233
Murray, Denise E., 33
Naughton, John, vii, 4, 10, 14,
125, 237
Nunberg, Geoff, 219
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