20 Lighting for DigitaL PhotograPhy: from snaPshots to great shots
So, if you’ve ever shot a photo of a sunset or a flower that lacks the beauty that you
actually experienced, it is likely that the scene contained colors that just could not be
captured or printed. Don’t despair. Obviously, beautiful photographs are created and
printed every day. As photographers, though, we need to be aware of the limitations
of our gear and the opportunities to use lighting as a way to overcome these limita-
tions. Also, know that the technology of image-processing software gets better every
year. I’ve no doubt that someday I will be able to print the full range of colors that I
saw in those roses.
FIguRe 1.14
This gamut graph shows the range of
colors in the photo as green dots. The
big cluster outside the orange box repre-
sents the colors outside the CMYK gamut.
The green dots outside the white box are
colors captured by my camera that cannot
be displayed on my monitor.