chaPter 1: the five characteristics of Light 25
harD anD soft shaDows
Think about the shadows! Are they defined sharply—like your shadow on a sunny
day? Or are the edges fuzzy—like your shadow on a cloudy day? Photographers call a
light that creates a sharply defined shadow a hard light and a light that creates shad-
ows with fuzzy edges a soft light. In Figures 1.19 and 1.20, you can see the difference
between hard and soft shadows.
FIguRe 1.19
I lit this shot with a single
Speedlite at 45º right. Because
the flash was smaller than the
bunch of flowers, it created
many hard-edged shadows
within the shot.
FIguRe 1.20
Without moving the Speedlite,
I added a shoot-through
umbrella between the flash and
the flowers. This increased the
apparent size of the light source
so that it could send light at the
subject from multiple angles.
As you can see, all of the hard
shadow edges have disappeared.
Canon 5D Mk II
ISO 200
1/160 sec.
Canon 5D Mk II
ISO 200
1/160 sec.
Speedlite and shoot-
through umbrella