Mind, Brain, Body, and Behavior

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


this aim, the new Section on Biochemistry focused on identifying and
characterizing brain tissue responsible for experimental allergic encepha­
lomyelitis as well as studying the anti-diuretic effects of LSD in normal
and schizophrenic patients in order to determine the biological corre­
lates of experimental psychosis.^16
The Section on Physiology looked at the comparative effects on
intellectual, motor, and perceptual behavior of centrally acting drugs.^17
The Section on Pharmacology, which had been an area of study within
the original Section on Physiology, focused on identifying the anatomy
and physiology of the psychological processes and clinical manifesta­
tions of schizophrenia through the study of the mechanisms and sites of
action of LSD, demerol, seconal, and chlorpromazine.^18 The Section on
Psychiatry studied the relationship between personality and psychodynamic
factors and the psychological and metabolic reactions of patients taking
drugs.^19 The Section on Medicine investigated the mechanisms involved
in the effects of pharmacological and physiological stress on endocrine
processes.^20 The Section on Cerebral Metabolism studied the mechanism
of action of thyroid hormones and also developed techniques for mea­
suring continuous blood flow. The Section of the Chief focused on the
influence of emotional factors on the function of the nervous and
circulatory system.^21

Marian Kies, Ph.D.
Courtesy of the National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke
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