Mind, Brain, Body, and Behavior

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


scientific portions of this book. Drs. Cohen, Mishkin, Ajmone-Marsan,
Littman, James E. Birren, Melvin L. Kohn, Detlev Ploog, Sid Gilman,
and Morris B. Parloff, were most responsive to on-going queries we
had throughout the project.
We would like to thank Drs. Gerald N. Grob, Thomas I. Insel, Story
C. Landis, Robert Desimone, and the twelve scientists for their contri­
butions. We are also grateful to Jan Lazarus and Belle Waring, History of
Medicine Division, National Library of Medicine, Jules Asher at the
NIMH, and Pamela Jones at the NINDS for providing us with most of
the photographs in this volume. Special thanks go to Brooke Fox, Office
of NIH History archivist, for her assistance locating archival materials
and scanning, labeling, and organizing the photographs obtained.
Pamela Jones at the NINDS and Richard Pine at the NIMH, were very
helpful providing us with information on the history of their institutes’
budgets. Marilyn Farreras and Vassilios Karapanos combed through 14
volumes of Annual Reports of the two institutes in order to compile the
names of all of the NIMH and NINDB 1950s scientists appearing in
Appendix B. Buhm Soon Park and Sarah Leavitt, Office of NIH History,
provided archival and technical assistance.
We would also like to thank the many NIMH and NINDB scientists
from the 1950s who, since the symposium in April 2003, have gener­
ously donated to the Office of NIH History short memoirs, write-ups,
photographs, reprints, curriculum vitae, and correspondence. It is from
materials such as these that more detailed and analytical histories can
be written. We encourage other scientists to donate as well.
Dr. Robert A. Cohen was the most ardent supporter of this book.
As the remaining administrator from that time period, he spent an in­
ordinate amount of time locating information for us, explaining things
that were unclear or missing from our materials, and providing us with
answers to questions no one else could answer. The Editor-in-Chief
would like to dedicate this book to him.

Ingrid G. Farreras, Ph.D., Caroline Hannaway, Ph.D.,
and Victoria A. Harden, Ph.D.
Office of NIH History, Bethesda, MD
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