Mind, Brain, Body, and Behavior

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Cosimo Ajmone-Marsan, M.D., was Professor Emeritus and Director of the
Electroencephalography Laboratory in the Department of Neurology
at the University of Miami School of Medicine, until his retirement
in 1997. He came to the NINDB from the Montreal Neurological Insti­
tute in January of 1954 as Chief of the Electroencephalography and
Clinical Neurophysiology Branch. He remained with the NINDB until
1979 when he left for the University of Miami.

James E. Birren, Ph.D., has just retired as Associate Director of the
UCLA Center on Aging in Los Angeles, California. He joined the Pub­
lic Health Service in 1947, after serving during World War II at the U. S.
Naval Medical Research Institute. He was assigned to the program on
aging of the National Heart Institute but in 1950 transferred to the
NIMH and in 1953 joined the newly formed Laboratory of Psychology
as Chief of the Section on Aging in the basic research program. In 1963,
he transferred to the National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development to head its program on aging. In 1965, he moved to the
University of Southern California to develop the Gerontology Center.

Robert A. Cohen, M.D., Ph.D., retired from the NIH in 1981, where
he had served as Deputy Director of NIMH Intramural Research since

  1. He was Director of Clinical Research at the NIMH from 1952­
    1968 and subsequently Director of the Division of Clinical and Behav­
    ioral Research. He was in active duty in the Medical Corps of the U.S.
    Naval Reserve during World War II, was a consultant in psychiatry at
    the National Naval Medical Center and a member of the Panel on
    Human Relations and Morale of the Department of Defense from 1946
    to 1952. He was Associate Physician and Clinical Director at Chestnut
    Lodge Hospital before coming to the NIH in 1952.

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