Mind, Brain, Body, and Behavior

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


compartmentalization and regionalization of chemical
process in the unit cell and in the brain; to have given us tools
for the study of the chemical basis of learning and temporary
connection formation; to have emphasized the dependence
of pharmacological response on its situational and social
setting; to have compelled a hard look at the semantics of
psychiatric diagnosis, description and communication; to
have resuscitated the oldest of old remedies, the placebo
response for careful scrutiny; to have provided potential
methods for the study of language in relation to the functional
state of the brain; and to have encouraged the Biochemist,
Physiologist, Psychologist, Clinician, the Mathematician and
Communication Engineer to join forces at bench levels; is
no mean achievement for a young science. That a chemical
test should carry the imprint of experience, and partake in
its growth, in no way invalidates the study of symbols, and
the rules among symbols, which keep us going, changing,
evolving and human. Thus, though moving cautiously, psy­
chopharmacology is still protesting; yet, in so doing, it is for
the first time, compelling the physical and chemical sciences
to look behaviour in the face, and thus enriching both these
sciences and behavior. If there be discomfiture in this en­
counter, it is hardly surprising; for it is in this discomfiture
that there may well lie the germ of a new science.^30

In our branch of science, it would seem we are attracted to soma as to
symbol; we are as interested in overt behavior as we are aware of the
subtleties of subjective experience. There is here no conflict between
understanding the way things are and the way people are, between the
pursuit of science and the giving of service. It is this rare comprehensive­
ness which is psychopharmacology’s unique gift to medicine and to
psychiatry. The pharmacology without will slowly lead to the pharma­
cology within, an understanding of the nature of healing and self-healing,
putting psychiatry as the science of man and mind at the very heart of
medicine, where it rightfully belongs.
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