Mind, Brain, Body, and Behavior

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

  1. Richard P. Michael, “An Investigation of the Sensitivity of Circumscribed
    Neurological Areas to Hormonal Stimulation by Means of the Application
    of Oestrogens Directly to the Brain of the Cat,” in Regional Neurochemistry,
    Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Neurochemistry,
    eds. Seymour S. Kety and Joel Elkes (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1961),

  2. Harold Weiner, “Some Effects of Response Cost Upon Human Operant
    Behavior,” Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 5 (1962): 201.

  3. A. Hordern, M. Hamilton, F. N. Waldrop, and J. C. Lofft, “A Controlled
    Trial on the Value of Prochlorperazine and Trifluoperazine and Intensive
    Group Treatment,” British Journal of Psychiatry 109 (1963): 510-22.

  4. Shepherd G. Kellam, “A Method for Assessing Social Contacts: Its Application
    During a Rehabilitation Program on a Psychiatric Ward,” Journal of Nervous
    and Mental Diseases 132 (1961): 277-88.

  5. Fritz Freyhan and J. A. Mayo, “Concept of a Model Psychiatric Clinic,”
    American Journal of Psychiatry 120 (1963): 222-7.

  6. Donald R. Lipsitt, “Dependency, Depression, and Hospitalization: Towards
    an Understanding of a Conspiracy,” Psychiatric Quarterly 30 (1962): 537-54.

  7. Henry Maudsley, The Physiology and Pathology of the Mind, 3rd ed., Part 2
    (New York: Appleton, 1882), 195.

  8. Three subsequent symposia reflected the momentum that was developing
    at this historic first meeting. The second one was held in Aarhus, Denmark,
    in 1956 (Proceedings: Derek Richter, ed., Metabolism of the Nervous System
    (New York: Pergamon Press, 1957). The third one followed in Strasbourg,
    France, in 1958 (Proceedings: Jordi Folch-Pi, ed., The Chemical Pathology of
    the Nervous System (New York: Pergamon Press, 1961). The Fourth
    International Symposium was held in Varenna, Italy, in 1960 (Proceedings:
    Seymour S. Kety and Joel Elkes, eds., Regional Neurochemistry (New York:
    Pergamon Press, 1961).

  9. Harold A. Abramson, ed., Neuropharmacology (New York: Josiah Macy, Jr.,
    Foundation, 1954).

  10. Jonathan Cole and Ralph W. Gerard, eds., Psychopharmacology: Problems in
    Evaluation (Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences and National
    Research Council, 1959).

  11. Joel Elkes, “The American College of Neuropsychopharmacology: A Note
    on Its History and Hopes For the Future,” American College of Neuropsycho­
    pharmacology Bulletin 1 (1963): 2-3.

  12. Ibid.

  13. Unedited letter.

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