Mind, Brain, Body, and Behavior

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Laboratory of Clinical Science, NIMH
(formerly the Clinical Biochemistry Section, Clinical Physiology
Section, and Psychosomatic Medicine Branch)
Principal Investigators
Ader, Robert
Axelrod, Julius
Bihari, Bernard
Bradley, Dan F.
Brady, Roscoe O.
Brown, Donald D.
Butler, Robert N.
Cardon, Jr., Philippe V.
Cobb, Reneal C.
Cochin, Joseph
Dastur, Darab K.
Davies, David R.
Dittmann, Allen T.
Durell, Jack
Evans, Franklin T.
Evarts, Edward V.
Falsenfeld, Gary
Feinberg, Irwin
Felsenfeld, Gary
Fleming, T. Corwin
Gjessing, L. R.
Goldstein, Norman P.
Hansen, Douglas B.
Haverback, Bernard J.
Hotta, Shoichi S.
Huttenlocher, Peter
Iflund, Boris
Kellam, Sheppard G.
Kendig, Isabelle
Kety, Seymour S.
Kies, Marian W.
Kopin, Irwin J.
Kornetsky, Conan
LaBrosse, Elwood H.
Lane, Mark H.
Lassen, Niels A.
Lee, A. Russell
McDonald, Roger K.
Müller, Peter S.
Pare, C. M. B.
Parloff, Morris B.

Other Investigators
Aberle, David F.

Agranoff, Bernard W.

Albers, R. W.

Alvord, Jr., Ellsworth C.

Birren, James E.

Blank, Paul

Blow, David M.

Bowman, Robert L.

Brounstein, Sybil

Burriss, William T.

Carlson, Virgil R.

Chassan, Jacob B.

Clementi, C.

Clink, Daniel W.

Cohen, Robert A.

Cox, Robert R.

Crick, F. H. C.

Daly, J. W.

Eddy, Nathan

Fishman, J.

Freygang, Jr., Walter H.

Geisser, Mary Lee

Goldin, Samson

Goodrich, D. Wells

Gordon, Robert S.

Gordon, Spencer

Greenhouse, Samuel

Guerney, Lillian M.

Hertting, Georg

Horning, Evan

Horowitz, D.

Humphries, Ogretta

Inscoe, Joseph K.

Isselbacker, Kurt (NIAMD)

Johnson, Jean

Kalckar, H. M. (NIAMD)

Kammen, Edith

Kaufman, Seymour

Kessler, Edith K.

Kurland, Albert A.

Laatsch, Robert
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